
Welcome to the Website of the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research (a.k.a. ‘Parapsychology Australia’)

The Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research, Incorporated (AIPR, Inc., a.k.a. Parapsychology Australia) was established in 1977 and is a non-profit community association. The AIPR is incorporated in New South Wales, and its membership is worldwide.

The aims of the organisation are:

  • To collect, assess and disseminate factual information about claims of psychic (paranormal) phenomena.
  • To support and encourage parapsychology (the scientific study of paranormal phenomena and paranormal belief). (If you have recently had psychic or spiritual experiences, you are invited to participate in Lance Storm’s and Monika Goretzki’s study (Psi and Spiritual Experience). Or try Rosemary Breen’s study on paranormal events in everyday life: Paranormal Experiences.)
  • To provide support in matters to do with alleged or actual experiences of a paranormal nature that may require relief of suffering, distress, or helplessness (see seeking help).
  • To undertake or promote activities (e.g., fundraising, social events, etc.) in support of the above.
  • Psychic experiences (or claims of such) should be studied and treated in the same way as other human experiences.
  • The AIPR places psychic phenomena in the broader context of experience, health and illness.
  • The AIPR advocates the use of the scientific method.
Australian Journal of Parapsychology

The academic aims and philosophy of the AIPR are served through our peer-reviewed journal, the Australian Journal of Parapsychology which is published twice-yearly (June and December). The journal features research articles on parapsychology and book reviews.

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AIPR Newsletter

The AIPR publishes a newsletter, THE A.I.P.R. NEWS, which is available free of charge to journal subscribers. To find out more about the newsletter, go to the menu bar above and click on ‘THE AIPR NEWS’.

Click here to go to past issues!

Recent Event - November 2024

Parapsychology Australia (AIPR, Inc.) and Salubrious Events


The AIPR Mini-Conference 2024

Venue: North Sydney Community Centre

(The Morton Room, Ground Floor)

220 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

(rear of Stanton Library; near North Sydney Station)

(car-parking, 200 spaces)


Date: Saturday, November 30th, 2024

Time: 1:00pm to 5:30pm AEST

Lectures on Telepathy, Precognition, Psychedelic Psychotherapy, and the Yowie

Chaired by Dr. Vlad Dubaj

Paranormal Investigator, Melbourne, Victoria


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Mini-Conference Program


Lecture 1 (1:00pm to 2:00pm)


“Is Psychic Ability Something You Are Born With Or Something That Can Be Developed?”

Sean Mulligan

Psychological Resilience Researcher & Novice Mystic, Sydney, NSW

Sean Mulligan discussed a wide range of anomalous experiences that occurred over a two-year period, including telepathic contact, channelling, mediumship, attack from negative entities, interaction with positive entities, repeatable visual experiences, and astral contacts. Sean drew upon parapsychological and esoteric concepts to provide a framework for the experiential facts, and he explained how and why these events occur. Sean also outlined how such experiences can fundamentally and permanently increase baseline well-being and psychological resilience.

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Lecture 2 (2:00pm to 3:00pm)


The Enigma of Precognition

Professor Emeritus Richard Silberstein

Neuroscientist, Researcher, Melbourne, VIC.

A 2011 paper published by Daryl Bem, a professor at Cornell University created a firestorm of controversy by reporting experimental results showing that humans can predict the occurrence of completely random events at better than chance level. According to our understanding of the laws of physics, this should be impossible. In this talk, Richard Silberstein briefly reviewed the most common model proposed for precognition before discussing a precognition model suggested by neuroscience findings. Furthermore, he suggested that consciousness, defined in the broadest terms, determines the nature of future events.

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Tea Break – 1/2 hour (3:00pm to 3:30pm)


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Lecture 3 (3:30pm to 4:30pm)


Psychedelic Psychotherapy

Dr. Monika Goretzki

Registered Psychologist. Northern Rivers, NSW

Psychoactive substances occur throughout the natural world and have been used by various indigenous cultures for thousands of years for healing, learning and divination. In the mid-1900s, psychiatric research utilizing psychedelics in psychotherapy provided favourable results for treatment resistant conditions. However, this research ended when many of these substances were scheduled as ‘Class 1’ drugs. Monika Goretzki’s presentation discussed the history and resurgence of the therapeutic use of psychedelics.

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Lecture 4 (4:30pm to 5:30pm)


Tracking the Lore: Filming the Australian Bigfoot

Attila Kaldy

Investigative Journalist & Film-maker, Sydney, NSW

Based on Attila Kaldy’s documentary ”Tracking the Lore”, Attila presented new information on Australia’s Bigfoot, the ‘Yowie’. Attila’s documentary has a strong indigenous element and Attila shared his journey and the knowledge he gained during filming. The presentation included excerpts from the documentary.

Past Event - December 2023

Parapsychology Australia (AIPR, Inc.) and Salubrious Events


The AIPR Mini-Conference 2023

Venue: North Sydney Community Centre

(The Morton Room, Ground Floor)

220 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW

(rear of Stanton Library; near North Sydney Station)

(car-parking, 200 spaces)


Date: Saturday, December 2nd, 2023

Time: 1:00pm to 5:30pm AEST

Lectures on Automatic Writing, Retrocausation, the Entropic Brain, & Paranormal Metal-Bending


Joyce BokChaired by Ms. Joyce Bok

Psychologist, Perth, Western Australia


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Mini-Conference Program


Lecture 1 (1:00pm to 2:00pm)


“Automatic Writing”

Tom Ware

Toastmaster & Automatic Writer, Sydney, NSW


Tom Ware started with a true story about this life, and he dealt mainly with Automatic Writing. It took Tom 20 years to pluck up the courage to tell this story. Tom covered the development of his Automatic Writing ability, and he explained how others can develop it. Tom also described some of his experiences with Vipassana Meditation, which Tom has practiced for 36 years.


Lecture 2 (2:00pm to 3:00pm)


“Investigations into Retrocausal Effects in a Cueing Task”

Dr. Jordan Wehrman

Psychologist, Researcher, Sydney, NSW


Retrocausation is the idea that the future can affect the present. Rather than studying for an exam, and then getting a good grade, imagine sitting an exam, studying afterwards, and getting a better grade because of it. Jordan Wehrman discussed nine experiments on cueing after a response has been made. Two of the experiments showed a small, but significant, effect of future cueing on current performance. Jordan also gave a broad overview of the cognitive neuroscience tools he uses, and described how they may be used in future to better parameterise retrocausal effects.


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Tea Break – 1/2 hour (3:00pm to 3:30pm)


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Lecture 3 (3:30pm to 4:30pm)


“The Entropic Brain”

Dr. Vladimir Dubaj & Cherie Dupont

Paranormal Investigators, Melbourne, VIC.


Vladimir DubajHighly entropic (disordered) brain states result in more dynamic connections between brain regions that can lead to creativity, spiritually meaningful insights, and paranormal experience. Hence, an overlap is likely between entropic states and mediumship experiences. Vlad Dubaj is interested in how this theory might suggest purposeful ways of changing brain activity to induce more creativity and meaningful experience. Cherie Dupont spoke on the ‘loose mind’—the conscious state needed for mediumship and psychic experiences. She conducted a brief meditation session on mindfulness.

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Workshop (4:30pm to 5:30pm)


“Paranormal Metal-Bending”

Robb Tilley

Paranormal Researcher, Investigator, & Clearer, Sydney, NSW


Robb Tilley hosted this psychokinetic metal-bending (PKMB) workshop. The audience got hands-on PKMB experience bending steel spoons and forks. They made their own psychic souvenir using only their mind and PK energy. Stainless steel spoons and forks were provided for this mind over matter experiment.

AIPR Monographs

Psychic Phenomena and the Brain: Exploring the Neuropsychology of Psi

Bryan J. Williams


Monograph No. 3 in the AIPR Monograph Series in Parapsychology

Dr. Lance Storm, Editor



Psychic phenomena such as extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (‘mind over matter’) have been reportedly experienced by people from all walks of life. But are these phenomena real?   And how could they possibly fit into our knowledge of the human brain? In this monograph, Bryan Williams examines some of the latest findings to emerge from efforts that parapsychologists have made to explore how psychic phenomena may be linked to brain functioning. Although they do not yet lead to a fully working theory, these initial findings do point to possible brain correlates that could be a focus for further study using advanced brain wave monitoring and functional neuroimaging techniques.” Bryan J. Williams, Research Affiliate, Psychical Research Foundation, Carrollton, Texas, USA.


Bryan Williams is an affiliate with the Psychical Research Foundation. He was a co-recipient of the 2008 Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship Award offered by the Parapsychology Foundation in New York.

Psychic Phenomena and the Brain: Exploring the Neuropsychology of Psi — Bryan J. Williams

December 2015 / AUD$35.00 / 169 pages paperback original / ISBN: 978-0-9870772-2-6

To purchase, click here: Psychic Phenomena and the Brain 

Education in Parapsychology: Student and Instructor Perspectives

Harvey J. Irwin


Monograph No. 2 in the AIPR Monograph Series in Parapsychology

Dr. Lance Storm and Dr. Adam J. Rock, Editors



“This monograph addresses the provision of educational experiences in the field of parapsychology and is designed to meet the needs of both students and instructors. Part 1 of the monograph discusses issues of primary importance to the person who would like to study parapsychology. Topics examined here include motives and misconceptions about parapsychology; and unrealistic expectations and potential benefits of studying parapsychology. Part 2 looks at teaching a course in parapsychology, including the design of a balanced curriculum that maintains critical standards while still accommodating the wide range of students’ interests. The future of the discipline of parapsychology depends on the quality of its educational programs. Accordingly, this monograph, by drawing on many of my own successes and failures in teaching parapsychology, will help to enrich the educational experiences of both parapsychology instructors and parapsychology students.” Harvey J. Irwin, PhD, Adjunct Research Fellow, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia


Professor Harvey J. Irwin is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the School of Behavioural, Cognitive, and Social Sciences, University of New England, where he conducts research on the psychology of parapsychology.

Education in Parapsychology: Student and Instructor Perspectives — Harvey J. Irwin

November 2013 / AUD$25.00 / 105 pages paperback original / ISBN: 978-0-9870772-1-9

To purchase, click here: Education in Parapsychology


AIPR Certificate Courses

The AIPR offers four courses in parapsychology: The AIPR Certificate in Parapsychology and the AIPR Advanced Certificate in Parapsychology. These two online courses give students an education in the field of parapsychology by providing a comprehensive understanding of paranormal phenomena. To find out more, click here: online courses.
AIPR Advanced Certificate in Experiential Parapsychology. This course is run for groups of students who like to experience psychic phenomena directly. The emphasis is on having fun; hands-on doing psychic things. There are no exams or written assignments. This course is run in Sydney, Australia. To find out more, click here: AIPR Experiential Course.
Poltergeist Disturbances and Hauntings. Almost everyone has a ‘ghost’ story involving paranormal phenomena. This course is run in Sydney, Australia. To find out more, click here: AIPR Poltergeist and Haunting.

Donations to AIPR

Thinking of making a donation? Your support will help keep our website online. You can make your donation via PayPal or by card.

Or post a cheque or money order with your name, address and funding purpose, to:

Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research Inc.
P O Box 295
Gladesville NSW 2111

All inquiries in confidence to our public officer, Robb Tilley on (02) 9816 4279.