THE AIPR NEWS – Public Access

The AIPR’s newsletter, THE AIPR NEWS, contains non-technical accounts of parapsychological research, psychical investigations, and short topical articles on paranormal themes and events. A year’s subscription to the Australian Journal of Parapsychology includes two issues of THE AIPR NEWS, free of charge.

As of June 2022, Online Supporters of the AIPR will have access to all the AIPR newsletters via their Supporter membership.

Past issues in PDF format are available for free download below. Recent issues are available here for Online AIPR Supporters only. Become an AIPR Supporter here, to gain access to the most recent AIPR newsletters.

Subscribers to the Australian Journal of Parapsychology are invited to contribute to the newsletter. Upon publication, the AIPR, Inc., holds copyright on the article, and authors must secure approval from the editor before seeking to re-publish or re-print, in part or whole, in any form. For more information about the journal or THE AIPR NEWS, contact:  Dr. Lance Storm

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