Survival Issues in Parapsychology [para-ac04]

AIPR Advanced Certificate in Parapsychology—Unit Outline

Survival Issues in Parapsychology [para-ac04]


  • the purpose of belief in the afterlife
  • the nature of consciousness and the self
  • psychological and metaphysical conceptions concerning life after death

Essay Topic

Discuss the purpose(s) served by believing in life after death.

NOTE: Essay must be no longer than 3000 words and formatted in APA-style. (APA stands for American Psychological Association. All the references given below are in APA-style. Please follow that style in your essays.)

For guidance on how to write an essay, see: Guide to Writing a Basic Essay

Required Reading

Boyd, J. N., & Zimbardo, P. G. (2006). Constructing time after death: The transcendental-future time perspective. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 6). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Krippner, S. (2006). Getting through the grief: After-death communication experiences and their effects on experients. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.). The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 9). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Moreman C. M. (2006). Mystical experience and the afterlife. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 2). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Optional Reading

Chandler, K. (2006). Refutation of the “denial of death” hypothesis. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 1). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Heath, P. R., with Klimo, J. (2006). What the channeled material of suicides tell us about the afterlife. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 11). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Stokes D. M. (2006). Mind, matter and death. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 3). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

Storm, L. (2006). A solution: Radical survivalism. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), The survival of human consciousness: Essays on the possibility of life after death (Chapter 15). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]

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