AIPR Advanced Certificate in Parapsychology—Unit Outline
- synchronicity contrasted with psi concepts (i.e., ESP and PK)
Essay Topic
Discuss the concept of synchronicity in the context of other parapsychological concepts (i.e., ESP and PK).
NOTE: Essay must be no longer than 3000 words and formatted in APA-style. (APA stands for American Psychological Association. All the references given below are in APA-style. Please follow that style in your essays.)
For guidance on how to write an essay, see: Guide to Writing a Basic Essay
Required Reading
Mansfield, V., Rhine-Feather, S., & Hall, J. (1998). The Rhine-Jung letters: Distinguishing parapsychological from synchronistic events. Journal of Parapsychology, 62, 3-25. [For a copy, contact Dr. Lance Storm]
Palmer, J. (2008). Synchronicity and psi: How are they related? [PDF]. In L. Storm (Ed.), Synchronicity: Multiple perspectives on meaningful coincidence (pp. 175-192). Pari, Italy: Pari Publishing.
Optional Reading
Storm, L. (2008). Synchronicity, causality, and acausality [PDF]. In L. Storm (Ed.), Synchronicity: Multiple perspectives on meaningful coincidence (pp. 153-174). Pari, Italy: Pari Publishing.